January 2022 Guardian Newsletter

In this edition:

January Theme

The TEMS theme for January was self care. Many students have struggled because of the Covid 19 pandemic and online classes. In January, classes went online again and it was a hard time for students. So, we focused on taking good care of ourselves by doing self care tasks like going for walks, cooking with friends, and practicing mindfulness.

Students used a self care BINGO card to choose self care activities each day. Then, they would write a reflection about their experience. We hope that students will remember these activities and use them again to take care of themselves during difficult times in the future.

University Applications Due

For graduating students, it has been a busy time preparing to submit university applications since December. Each graduating student had a meeting with the Director (Jay) and Guardian Manager (Emma) to research and discuss top programs for their pathways. Then, the program choices were submitted to the OUAC platform in the meeting. Although there are still some supplementary materials to submit, all OUAC applications have now been submitted. Good luck grad

Exams and Semester 2

WCDSB students started their exams at the end of January, which means Quadmester 2 is ending and Semester 2 is starting. It has been about 2 years since the school board started using quadmesters instead of semesters. Some students are happy to have semesters back because the classes go slower and it is easier to learn. However, other students will miss having just 2 courses at a time like we did in the quadmester system. Good luck in your exams everyone and good luck in Semester 2!

Thanks for reading!